Who we are? | Fundación Ciencias Agrarias
The purpose of FUNDACION CIENCIAS AGRARIAS is to promote and disseminate teaching, research and know how of agricultural sciences in order to contribute to the fulfillment of the mission of the School of Agriculture from the National University of Rosario with the highest degree of quality and efficiency.

The Foundation is an instrument to contribute to the objectives of the College.
It is a legal framework as Technological Linkage Unit (UVT, by its acronym in Spanish), whose main responsibility is to be the link that enables a series of actions, among which is the administration of the contribution of people and companies.
The creation of strategic alliances with companies is part of the founding stimulus of the Foundation, allowing the interaction of scientific, technological and academic fields, bringing the needs of the environment closer to the scientific and educational community.
It seeks to promote, favor and carry out the transfer of results from the scientific sector to the productive sector.